Wednesday, February 11, 2015

42. Life on Earth

"There's no way that thing supports life, Xborg. Everyone knows we're the only life in the Universe."
"Then where did it come from if not Earth?"
"It's just a pile of space junk."
"That just happened to land softly? It slowed down before it landed. It didn't break apart. It didn't catch fire. It just landed."
"Maybe it's fireproof. I've told you a thousand times. There is no life on Earth."
"Yes, there is!"
"You're supposed to be a scientist, not a conspiracy theorist."
"I am a scientist. I've studied Earth more than any other person on Mars. I'm telling you, that planet supports life!"
"No way. We've been watching it for too long to have missed all life."
"Then how do you explain this thing?"
"It's just a space object. It's just...oh.  Umm...welcome to Mars?"

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