Saturday, September 30, 2017

273.This is my life now

This is my life now

Three children in a row

Following one another

Wherever they may go

This is my life now

Three little heads to watch

Running round in circles

Intent not to be caught

This is my life now

Three little babies snoring

My heart bursting with joy

Never stop adoring

Friday, September 29, 2017

272. Falling

Falling falling down in life

Falling from on high

Reputation gone away

Fallen from your might

Thursday, September 28, 2017

271. Lost

Of course it was the only one 

The one I couldn't do without

If only I had held on tight

Instead of falling out

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

270. Triplets

Terrrificly terrrible Terrresa

Millled along Mollly's way

Hummming a horrrible sonnnet

In the heat of a blisstering day

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

269. Flooring

Wood, tile, laminate

How should we lay our floor?

From kitchen sink to great room wall

From front to garage door.

Monday, September 25, 2017

268. Iron man

His suit of red

His ride bright green

He flies across room

It brings a smile

To my sick boy

When Iron Man calls zoom zoom

Sunday, September 24, 2017

267. He Will Hear

Whenever you're worried or crying with pain

Remember your Father is near.

If hurt is your burden, your trial too much,

Pray and He will hear.

He will hear.

He will hear.

Your Heavenly Father is near.

He will bless you. He'll strengthen your soul.

Your Heavenly Father is near.

Saturday, September 23, 2017

266. Washerwoman

Washerwoman was away

Scrub the dirt and chip the clay

Rinse the mud off and the hay

Washerwoman wash all day

Friday, September 22, 2017

265. Diana

Go Diana, Go

Destroy the war with love

Fight for all that's good

Lift them from above

Thursday, September 21, 2017

264. Downpour

Sometimes you wake up full of good intentions and the day just laughs in your face before punching you in the gut...figuratively, of course. 

See, today I intended to run three miles, lift some weights, take my son to piano lessons, cook a yummy pasta salad for lunch, wash the dishes that I neglected to do last night, read while my boys napped, prepare a yummy dinner, and clean my living room.

Instead I have sopped up gallons of water with every single bath towel I own, hung them out to dry on the back fence, subsequently removed them all from the back fence and dumped them in a bucket because of the impending rainstorm, moved every un-shelved item out of the game closet, taken pictures and videos of the water underneath our floorboards, documented the water damage on six walls, shoved my rug, lovesac, and couches away from the affected walls, allowed my son to watch three movies (so far), cuddled my sick baby, helped the cleanup company lady with questions about her assessment, changed the smelliest diaper said baby has produced in months then washed my hands with a water bottle (yay for being overprepared for Harvey), munched on leftovers, pinned some sewing, watched tv while snuggling my sick baby to sleep, answered the insurance lady's assessment questions, and called a plumber.

But, on the bright side, I did clean the floor under the fridge like I've been meaning to do for the last few months. Gold star!

In all seriousness, though, as unexpected and inconvenient today's water leakage has been, I am grateful. 

-The location of our leak is such that nothing personal was damaged. Floors, cupboards, and walls are easily replaced. 

-My husband is not away on business, and though he has spent most of the day at work, he was home when we discovered the problem and was able to get the ball rolling on cleaning up the damage. 

-We have insurance that covers this kind of situation.

-We are financially stable and will be able to pay for our portion of this without any financial strain.

-My five year old was at school. 

-My three-year-old is so shy of strangers that, rather than get in the way or spread the mess, he spent the whole time the assessor was here firmly planted on the pit-of-the-way lovesac. 

-Because my baby is sick, he was napping for almost the whole time the assessor was here and spent the rest of the time snuggling in my arms or sitting in his high chair.

-My boys are very good nappers which has kept them away from the mess for several hours.

-This leak occurred long enough after Hurricane Harvey that the insurance company cannot claim the storm as the (not-covered) cause.

We have been blessed in this inconvenience. I'm sure the next week will reveal more trials, but for now I will simply try to keep a smile and laugh at the absurdities of trials that come in waves.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

263. Hush Little Baby

Hush little baby. Don't you cry.

Mommy's here to hold you.

Hold you forever, my heart and my arms

I love you, so hear what I've told you.

Hush little baby. Mommy is near.

I'll guide and I'll protect.

Yours is a light that will always shine bright

To lighten and project

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

262. Confident

I have never been hugely confident in my appearance. There have been times when I have been content with myself and times when I have hated my body. But even at my "best" I have been self-conscious. (I say "best" because that is what the social expectations are. Skinny, flat bellied, perky-breasted, clear-skinned.) 

Like many women, I have hidden my imperfections, embarrassed by what I see in the mirror. I wear shirts loose around my tummy to hide the skin stretched by pregnancy or delicious food. I wear a swimming suit with a skirt to cover what I have always seen as ugly legs. I have yet to find a bra that holds my post-nursing breasts in an appealing fashion. 

And yet...

I love who I am. As I have begun this journey with running I have found myself more and more satisfied and impressed with the things my body can do. Yesterday I ran three miles without stopping; a month ago I struggled to run two. Today I curled 12 reps of 20 pound weights. Last week I ached after curling 10 pounds. Little by little my body is growing stronger and with it my confidence is growing. I still have the fat, the skin problems, the stretch marks, the flab. But this morning as I readied myself for my workout I saw a different person.

I saw a me that I am proud of, a me that wants to keep fighting and becoming more. I saw a me that for the first time was not afraid to see herself. I have not become beautiful. I have become confident.

Monday, September 18, 2017

261. Best Day

Not every day is the best day

But don't you know that it's okay

Because if every day were the best day

There'd be no room for today

Sunday, September 17, 2017

260. "Ah, You Made It Through."

"Ah, you made it through."

That's what the Apostle of the Lord said to me after church today. "Ah, you made it through." I laughed it off and agreed that yes, I had survived the meeting with my three little ones acting as if they'd never heard the word "reverent" in their life. But inwardly I was embarrassed. Embarrassed at my children's behavior. Embarrassed at my lack of parenting skills. Embarrassed that that they had been anything but perfect angels while sitting on the second row from the front, directly in front of an apostle. 

I laughed it off because he was trying to be kind, but inwardly I was frustrated with my kids and I wanted to cry. They know how to behave and they chose this day, this moment, to ignore those lessons. Perhaps it wouldn't have been so bad if we had been several rows back, or if we had been on one of the sides. But, no, we were front and center. "The best seat possible" my husband had said. 

When discussing the experience with my mom, she responded much as the apostle had, with a smile and a laugh. "He's been there before. He understands. He's not going to judge you, and he probably won't even remember it."

It's been several hours now, but I'm finally feeling the frustration ebb -- it helps that the culprits are in bed -- and feeling some peace about the whole thing. 

Despite my initial feelings, this servant of the Lord, Elder Ballard, said something to me personally that I really needed to hear. "Ah, you made it through." Our exchange lasted maybe ten seconds total, but I don't think it is one I will forget. For an hour he sat on the stand, and though I don't flatter myself that he spent even a tenth of his time watching my family, I know that he saw us. He couldn't not have, and at one particular moment he looked me in the eye and held my gaze for several seconds while he spoke. So when he said "Ah, you made it through," he wasn't speaking a random sentence to a random mother of a random child. He knew I had been struggling. And he was acknowledging my efforts, pitiful as they were. He knew what I was feeling and he let me know it was okay. 

Some days making it through is all we can do. We may not always come away knowing what every talk was about, but we are setting an example for our children, showing them the importance of the sacrament and church attendance. 

In time they will learn to be better behaved. They will grow and learn and sit still. In time I will be more composed, less climbed-on, more focused. But for now I will take it one meeting at a time, one Sunday at I time. I will make it through.

Saturday, September 16, 2017

259. Word Choice

Butter, spread, or margarine

Soda, pop, or coke 

Buggy, cart, or basket

Relative or folk

All is simple word choice.

What you say or not

Tells about your person,

Tells about your thought.

Friday, September 15, 2017

258. ABC Dinos

A is for Ankylosaurus, his tail a hammer hard

A spiky back and armor plates to make a solid guard

B is for Brontosaurus, tall and stately giant,

Reaching for the highest leaves, his neck was surely pliant

C is for Coelophysis, speedy little critter

You wouldn't want his teeth to bite or nip upon your sitter

D is for Dracorex, a spike-headed softy, 

The crown upon his gentle head makes him look so lofty

E is for Edmontosaurus eating pines and cones

If I made a Canadian joke it'd bring on grunts and groans

F is for Fukuisaurus, Japanese by birth

G is for Gallimimus, swift across the earth

H is for Hadrosaurus; I, Iguanodon.

J is for Jurassic Era. The list goes on and on.

K is Kentrosaurus, a pointy, prickly guy

L is Lophostropheus, arrest above his eye

M is Maiasauras, who nested with her young

Raising them til they were grown and weighing several ton

N is for Nomingia, feather-armed and furry

O is stealthy Oviraptor, runs off with a scurry.

P is Parasaurolophus, snorkel head or flute

Hanging in the water, making muddied seaweed scoot

Q is for Quaesitosaurus, very very long

R is for Rugops, whose teeth were very strong

S is stegosaurus, with plates along his spine

The sharpened spikes upon his tail could swipe at any swine

T is for Triceratops, that three-horned, frill-laced beauty

Don't mess with her or you'll receive a piercing in your booty

U is for great Utahraptor, sly, sneaky, crafty, lurky 

V is for velociraptor

The size of a small turkey

W is Wonders found when digging in the ground

X is X-ray images and finding bones with sound

Y is Yes, I am a nut. I love these dinosaurs.

Z is Zillion other specifies you won't see in the stores

Thursday, September 14, 2017

157. Gym Girls

I saw a woman at the gym today that was wearing makeup while working out. Not something gong I would normally notice or call into question except that she looked like a Barbie doll. She had the caked-on-probably-spent-two-hours-applying-it look. And it just made me sad, really. Sad for her that she felt the need to hide behind so much artifice. That she was so lacking in confidence that she felt the need to wake up early to hide her face, only to go to a place filled with women who are their own raw selves. 

This is something that I have loved about going to an women-only gym. Here it is acceptable to get gross. We sweat. We smell. We have messy hair. We wear clothing that isn't designed to show off our breasts or our butts. This is where we are able to just be, and we accept each other for it. I love the woman who works so hard on the elliptical that her bra line is the only dry spot on her shirt. I love the woman whose extra pounds dance with her as she does Zumba. I love the girl who pins her green-streaked hair to the right while she runs because her left side is shaved. I love the pair of sisters who constantly one-up each other at the weight bar. I love the elderly women who let their saggy skin be seen as they walk from the pool to the dressing room in their swimming suits and flip flops.

I love these women because they are safe. They don't judge me or put me down because I haven't shed all the weight I gained in my last pregnancy. Instead, they encourage me to keep running, to keep trying. They encourage me to lift a few more pounds, to run a few more minutes, to push a little harder, to sweat a little more. I don't have to look perfect here. I feel their love every time I step through those doors. With every smile, with every nod of the head or wave of the hand, I know they are happy I am there with them.

And so I hope that this woman with the painted face can feel that love, too. I want her to know that we don't judge here. She is perfect how she is because she is here. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

256. Just like daddy

Just like daddy

I can be

He's my hero


Love my daddy

He's my pal

We cheer together

Let's go, Cal!

Ride with Daddy

Down the street

Like my helmet?

Where's my seat?

Goodnight Daddy

I love you

Goodnight Buddy

Love you too.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

255. Irma And Enna

My my 

the world ain't dry

The winds are raging by

The power's gone

The lights ain't on

Good time to be a fly

Monday, September 11, 2017

254. Mismatched

Blue blue blue blue purple

Hey you don't match, he said

Blue blue blue blue purple

You weirdo dunderhead

My tie matches mommy's dress

Her dress matches sister

Brother's shirt is also blue

So why wear purple, mister?

Daddy's tie is violet

I hope his sense ain't catching

'Cause I think life is at its best

When all my family's matching

Sunday, September 10, 2017

253.One hour only

Most weeks I go to church for three hours. We call this the "block schedule." It is made of three parts: first is our Sacrament meeting, in which we partake of the bread and water in similitude of the Savior; second is Sunday School, in which we study the teachings of ancient scripture; and third is our Relief Society (women) and Priesthood (men) meetings, in which we study modern-day teachings and daily living values. 

All three meetings serve important purposes that help us to become closer to God and to become better people. But for the last several weeks, we have foregone the three-hour block and held only a truncated Sacrament Meeting, in order to allow the members of our congregation the time and opportunity to serve our community in the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. This temporary change has called my attention to the importance of service to our spirits. 

By cutting our church time, our church leaders are essentially showing us that in this time of extreme need, we are better off helping others than learning about Jesus. And why is that? "When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God" (Mosiah 2:17).

Christ is the ultimate example of service. By spending our Sundays cleaning the homes of the misfortunate, preparing and delivering meals, creating hygiene kits for the homeless, etc, we are DOING the Lord's work. We are learning and teaching about Jesus in a very visceral way. 

Next week we will go back to our regular schedule at our regular time. At some point life must return to some semblance of normalcy. But for those coming in to our city from around the nation, these truncated Sacrament meetings will still be there, allowing those who serve to follow Christ as he bade, to partake in the covenants and ordinances of his love, and to serve his children.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Friday, September 8, 2017

Thursday, September 7, 2017

250. 250

Two hundred fifty

That's pretty nifty

Two hundred fifty days

To play in the sun

To run and have fun

In two hundred fifty ways

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

249.How I Nearly Caused A Fit of Apoplexy: or, The Dangers of Farting in Public

I am human. I am no supermodel or crazy alien goddess. I am a real life human being. And humans have gas. We do. Don't even pretend you've never let one rip and been a little bit proud of the echo it created. And some days that has is near-toxic. Today is one of those days.

 I have super bad gas -- the kind that hurts when it's in and reeks when it's out. So I'm there at Walmart with my two boys trying to decide which is worse, the pain or the stench, and I figure "you know what, I don't know anyone here. I'm walking. I'll just let some slip and move past it. No one will be any the wiser." So I let some whiff out. At that exact moment a poor, unsuspecting elderly couple comes around the corner, right in front of me. They stop and take a moment to comment on my cute, close-in-age boys. I can't escape. The coupIe is standing directly in my getaway path. There is no way to move without obviously and rudely veering around them. So I stand there, a polite smile plastered on my face, waiting for the inevitable nasal assault to drift into range.

And then it happens. As if the cloud of noxious fumes is visible, i see the very moment this poor old man smells the effects of my rancid rear. His nostrils flare. His brows furrow and his eyes go wide. He literally coughs on my fumes and loses his train of thought. I can see his mind attempting to process this attack on his nerves, the way his lips purse together in an attempt to either cut off a verbal exclamation to rival my own foulness or to refrain from inhaling any further toxicity. His wife was the next victim. Her fists visibly clenched around the handle of her shopping cart and her gaze flitted from her husband's face, downward, and back up, while her face contorted in surprised disgust. 

I felt no compunction to correct her assumption. 

Apparently embarrassed by the unavoidable occurrence they had literally just walked into, the nice old lady wished me a good afternoon and stepped quickly away from the scene of the crime. As I attempted to hold in my laughter I peeked over my shoulder and heard a hushed accusation: "oh my goodness, Lou!"

Sorry, Lou. 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

248. My Baby

Bundle of happiness

Joy of my heart

You'll be my baby

Wherever thou art

Monday, September 4, 2017

247. Relief Society

I was asked "who made the chicken salad sandwiches." I didn't really know how to answer. Was it the woman who opened the cans, drained the chicken, and dumped it in the bowl? Was it the women who cut the grapes? Was it the woman who added the mayonnaise and stirred? Was it the women who spread the mixture on the bread? The women who topped the sandwiches and put them in baggies? Several women worked to make those sandwiches, while a dozen others filled the lunch sacks with apples, carrots, chips, crackers, pudding, and applesauce, or cared for the children, or filled the coolers with ice, water, and Gatorade. 

So, who made the lunches? The Relief Society.

Sunday, September 3, 2017

246. Ready Haiku

Crack the door open

Suit coat, shoes, socks, shirt, and pants

Nine hours 'til church

Saturday, September 2, 2017

245. Game night

Old friends playing games

Staying awake much too late

We just want to play

Friday, September 1, 2017

244. Runner

Today I ran two miles in under twenty minutes. That may not be a big deal for a lot of people, but for me it was historic. I have never been a lover of running. In fact, I've hated even the thought of it pretty much my entire life. I'm a reader. A creator. A writer. A cook. A homebody. An artist. Not a runner. On the rare occasion I found myself enjoying physical exertion it was in the form of short, concentrated, muscle-based exercise: rock climbing, bowling, moving furniture (yeah, that's how bad it was). 

But two months ago I decided I needed to change. So I finally mucked up the courage, pulled up my big-girl panties, and joined a local gym. 

There were many surprised friends and family members when this action was announced. My dislike for exercise was no secret. Why would anyone willingly put themselves through all of that grossness that comes with running? 

Well, it turns out when you're doing it correctly, including warming up and cooling down, and with the correct shoes and appropriate clothing, running isn't so bad. Now, don't get me wrong, it has hurt. But when you actually cool down properly, your body doesn't automatically want to hurl as soon as you stop. You don't get major headaches. You don't feel like you're going to die. Go figure. And when you warm up properly, you don't immediately feel like your legs are burning or that your side is going to split open. And when you wear shoes designed for running, you don't want to cry every time you take a step for the next week. Who knew?!?!

Now, I'm not saying I've suddenly become some phenomenal athletic goddess. No no, I still run slowly. I still can't run far. My lungs still burn when I run harder and faster than my particular threshold. But that threshold is increasing. The distance I can go is a little farther each time. My speed is a little faster. I run on a treadmill because it forces me to keep a steady pace and a straight line. It helps me to properly carry out those warm ups and cool downs that keep my body going. I know that's not as cool as running in races or exploring my city (although this is not a runner's city). But it's a start. 

It's a start to a new, hopefully better, me. When I run I get sweaty. I smell bad and probably look worse. But I feel fantastic. Today I accomplished something I have never done before. My pride in myself and my body overwhelms the discomfort that I felt as I finished. For the first time in a long time I am happy with the way my body is performing. I am happy with myself for getting better, for doing more. I know I have a long way to go before I can really consider myself a runner, but I'm getting better each time I try.

Two months ago I couldn't run to my mailbox (down the street and around the corner). Today I ran two miles. And I couldn't be happier about it.