Sunday, August 16, 2015

235. Women Are Awesome (NT)

Mary was a woman chosen of the Lord.
When she did conceive, an angel brought her word.
She knew she could do it, though it would be hard.
She gave birth to Jesus, in a stable yard.

Elisabeth was old when she first got pregnant.
Her husband could not speak. To the temple he went.
John would be the name of her young blessed boy.
When Mary arrived, her baby lept with joy.

Anna was a woman, widowed many years,
But she served the Lord with fasting and with prayers.
She worked at the temple when the babe was brought,
She knew it was Jesus, so she praised and taught.

Martha was a woman. Her house was a mess.
When the Lord came teaching, she could just feel stress.
A clean house is nice, but learning is better.
That's what Martha learned when the Lord answered her.

Mary Magdalene was once a sinner sad.
But she then repented and it made her glad.
She followed her Lord and served him all his days.
She was first to see him after he was raised.

Joanna was a woman, blessed by Jesus Christ.
When he had been killed, she dressed him with rich spice.
He arose again. She saw he wasn't there.
She told the apostles; they ran back to stare.

Dorcas was a woman, known as Tabitha.
She did lots of service, for ladies in Joppa.
When she passed away the widows mourned all night.
Peter brought her back because she choose the right.

Rhoda was a woman. Peter was her friend.
She prayed, God in Heaven, let his sentence end.
Peter knocked upon the door the doorway to her place.
She was so surprised, she shut it in his face.

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