Saturday, March 7, 2015

66. Daddy's Always Right

"The moon is made of cheese" she said, 
When gazing in the night.
"Of cheese and corn and peppermint.
 Of snowflakes, joy, and light."

"Not so," he said, his finger up, 
determined to be right. 
"The moon is made of rocks and dust, 
reflecting sun so bright."

"The clouds are made of fairy dust," 
she sang without a care. 
"Of tricks and flips and happy cries. 
Of love and unicorn hair."

"The clouds are made of water, dear," 
he corrected with a glare.
"Of gaseous water, hot and cold, 
electricity and air."

"The rainbow's made of bubblegum,"
She giggled playfully.
"Of skittles, sweet tarts, m&ms,
Of sugar and sweet tea."

"No, no," he said again distraught 
He could not make her see.
"The light and water make the arc 
and colors that you see."

"The world is made of pain," she said.
Her eyes were full of tears.
"It's cruel and mean, and full of men
Who prey upon my fears."

"Indeed, my child, the world has pain,
But have a little cheer,
For hope and love are also real
And you will find them here.

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