Thursday, June 11, 2015

162. Dear Mom

Dear Mom who is having a horrible day:
We've been there. 
We've done that. 
It will eventually be okay.

Dear Mom who got to the grocery store:
Your kids are fed.
They're happy, too.
Some days you can't do more

Dear Mom who locked her keys in the car:
You took your kids 
to play or learn. 
Because of you, they'll go far.

Dear Mom who made that awesome cake: 
You have talent.
You're wonderful.
Can you teach me how to bake?

Dear Mom who fished a Barbie from the toilet:
To your daughter
You're a hero
Even if your face turned scarlet.

Dear Mom who feeds her kids organic kale:
Good job giving
Your kids healthy lives.
Don't let anyone tell you you'll fail.

Dear Mom who stepped on a toy and yelled:
Just think of all
The other words
You could have said but held.

Dear Mom who is at every PTA meeting:
Your time is spent
Helping your kids.
Their time as youth is fleeting.

Dear Mom who wasn't watching when your kid fell off his bike:
You cannot see 
All at once.
Don't beat yourself up. He's alright.

Dear Mom who gets hugs every night before bed:
Your child loves you.
That gift is the best.
Know it in your heart and head.

Dear Mom who's struggling to keep a smile:
God knows your trials
He's watching you.
He's with you all the while.

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