Wednesday, October 21, 2015

294. G is for Goldfish

G is for Goldfish.
G is for Grime.
G is for Gumball; have you got a dime?

G is for Ginger.
G is for Girl.
G is for Great-Grandma Gwendolyn's twirl.

G is for Grasshopper.
G is for Goat.
G is for Gorillas gliding through a moat.

G is for Gender.
G is for Germ.
G is for Gerbil; did he get a perm?

G is for Ghana.
G is for Globe.
G is for Galaxy, bright as a strobe.

G is for Guitar.
G is for Glue.
G is for Garbage; it's broken; I'm through.

G is for Glasses.
G is for Glove.
G is for Games played with those that we love.

G is for Ghostly.
G is for Ground.
G is for Go! Go! Don't make a sound!

G is for Giraffe.
G is for Gem.
G is for Giants; don't see much of them.

G is for Garden.
G is for Gate.
G is for Grapefruit; is that what I ate?

G is for Gandi.
G is for Grin.
G is for Goodness that comes from within.

G is for Gecko.
G is for Goose.
G is for Gargoyle; who set him loose?

G is for Gyro
And Gnu and Gnat.
G is for Gila Monster. What's up with that?

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